Hey there,
One of my never ending obsessions is whitening my teeth. I have searched and searched and tried so many things to this day and thought, hey, why don't I share ;)
What I have been using for the past 3 years are those.
but I also recently used Crest whitening strips (Which I'm gonna talk about in another post)
Home remedies for teeth Whitening
my favourite, cuz you'll have to do both, eat then whiten :P
and it actually works!
A- Using banana peel:
true. and tested.
take the banana, eat it we don't want to waste food.
take the peel and now just simply rub the inside of the banana peel on your teeth for about a minute each side.
B- DIY whitening tooth paste:
you can do this paste using either lemons, limes or strawberries all works just the same.
you will need:
if lime or lemon, you will need its juice
if strawberry, you will need it smashed
any baking soda you have
a bowl
1- put your choice of (lemon, lime or strawberry) in the bowl
2- add 1/2 tsp of baking soda
3-mix together!
now apply the texture onto your teeth and leave for a couple of minutes then rinse.
Apply this on your teeth once or twice a week.
Happy whitening!
Don't forget to share with your friends ;)
Love, Nada.
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